With over a dozen acquisitions programs on the market today, it is difficult for a company to know which one to use. Each one has its advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities. Here are the top 7 programs we thought were worth mentioning here.
#1 Marketing email
The email is the most used channel for acquiring traffic on the internet. You can send emails to a list of subscribers to announce a new website, or to invite them to a webinar. By knowing your email list, it is also possible to send a personalized message, which will increase the chances of conversion.
#2 Social media
Social media is another powerful and effective channel to acquire traffic. It is also one of the most effective channels for lead generation. On social platforms, you can use the same type of advertising and marketing strategies as for the email, such as paid ads, for a better click rate.
#3 Search engines
This is a channel that is also very powerful. It consists in optimizing the website for search engines that will appear in the search results when a user searches for a given keyword. For example, if you want to increase the traffic to your website, you can do it by using keywords that are relevant to your products or services.
#4 Content marketing
Content marketing is a very high-yield acquisition channel. It consists of creating content, such as articles, press releases, etc., that will be shared on social networks and on websites. To create content, it is necessary to have specific skills and to invest a lot of time and energy, but the results are spectacular. Content marketing is a good acquisition channel when the objective is to generate qualified traffic and when the website has a very low traffic.
#5 Online advertising
Targeted advertising is a process of advertising a brand to a specific audience. It is an effective way to generate traffic, by targeting a specific group of Internet users. The main idea is to place the ads of his brand or products on the sites of websites that are relevant to the brand, and whose audience is likely to be interested. The ads are often placed on news websites, social networks, blogs, or on general websites. The ads can be placed on the search engine results pages (SERP), on the top of the page, or on other pages.
#6 Referral
The referral is a traffic acquisition channel based on the links. It consists in sending a link to one website to another in order to promote this website to its audience. It is usually done through social networks, where the link is usually shared by a user. The main advantage of this strategy is the possibility to increase the traffic to the referred site.
#7 Blog
A blog is a collection of contents that is regularly updated by a company to share its experience, its expertise, its news, its projects, and its products. This kind of content is usually shared on social networks, but it can also be published on its site. The blog can be the starting point of an acquisition channel. It is usually well-structured, easy to manage, and offers the possibility of being read by Internet users who are interested in the topic of the company.
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