Comprehensive long-form content has been part of
search engine optimization best practices for many years, and it still remains relevant in 2022. This article will explain why long-form content works well in SEO, why it’s still relevant, and give an example of what long-form content looks like on a website today.
What long-form content means?
Long form content is any type of online content that extends beyond one screen. If a visitor to your site has to scroll down through more than 50% of an entire page, it’s long form content. This includes things like slideshows, infographics, and lists. In SEO circles, long form content is also referred to as evergreen content because it doesn’t have a limited shelf life like news or current events do.
Is long-form content still relevant for SEO?
You it is! As long as people are using Google for their information needs, long form content will be considered valuable by search engines. That said, you need to make sure that every piece of long form content you create also serves a real user need.
Also remember: if you publish long form content on your website, make sure it’s clearly labeled as such so users who don’t want to read long pieces can quickly skip over them. This will keep your bounce rate down and give your search engine optimization a real boost.
How long should a piece of long-form content be?
There is no one single length that works for every site; how long depends on what type of site you have and what types of information you intend to provide visitors with. For instance, a site that offers how-to information would likely require much longer posts than one that simply provides news updates or lists links related to certain topics. Ultimately, it’s up to you to figure out what makes sense for your site. Keep in mind that just because long form content can help boost your search engine ranking doesn’t mean all long form pieces are created equal!
Here are five questions every online marketer needs to ask themselves when creating long form pieces:
1. What problem will my readers come here looking to solve?
2. How can I offer a solution that’s better than what they can find elsewhere on Google or Bing?
3. Is there any way I can verify that I’m providing them with accurate information and not just opinions or conjecture?
4. How can I set myself apart from all of those other self-proclaimed gurus who are offering advice on Google’s first page?
5. Will users come back to my site if they see what it has to offer right away, or will they need to explore a bit before making a decision about whether it’s worth coming back for more later on?
As you write your long form content pieces, keep these questions at heart so you end up with something truly valuable for your target audience.
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